Applications for 2024-2025 are open!

Senior ambassador team

Our Senior Ambassador team is unlike any other Senior experience in the Birmingham Metro Area. It was developed to create a memorable experience that captures your accomplishments leading up to or during your Senior year in high school through photography. We offer you the chance to become an Ambassador because we want you to experience this journey like no other.

Why join the team?

This experience allows you to capture each special moment leading up to your big day, graduation that is! It will give you the opportunity to celebrate your success through photography. When you join the team, you will get the catered experience of a lifetime before every photo session with complimentary hair styling, makeup and styled clothing that will allow your Senior photos to STAND OUT! You will also form friendships and make connections with other RavenB Ambassadors. The benefit of becoming an Ambassador is you'll get the opportunity to be a part of memories that will last beyond high school.


Throughout the year, the Ambassador team will take individual and group photos for you to post on social media. Want to show off that styled outfit, gorgeous makeup and beautiful hair? This is the perfect opportunity to for you to share those great images and the experience of being an Ambassador. These exclusive photo sessions are offered ONLY to this team. This is a memorable opportunity you don't want to miss out on! Let's make memories!

Join the 2024-2025 team by completing the form below!


What are the requirements?

-Must be a high school junior or senior
- Attend virtual or in person meet and greet
- Participate in mini sessions with the team
- Use RavenB Photography as sole photographer during your senior year
- Post on social media about RavenB Photography along with images from each session
- Book your senior session with RavenB Photography

Does it cost to be an ambassador?

Yes, there is a $200 Ambassador fee which includes images from shoots, an Ambassador t-shirt and sweatshirt, hair and makeup and wardrobe styling.

Can I keep images from shoots?

Yes, you will get to keep the images from each Ambassador shoot.

I'm a guy, can I join?

Yes! The team is designed for girls and boys.